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Jugglerz Mixtape 1.5 Mio views on Youtube:

One of the most successful Reggae Mixes ever?

One of the most successful Reggae Mixes ever?

(click on picture to enlarge)

(click here to download the 1.5 million clickstape)

Forget everything you thought you knew about viral marketing and social networking! We couldn’t believe it ourselves and had to double- and tripple-check: our last years‘ Jugglerz Reggae Mix got 1.5 million views on Youtube! We’re rich! No, we’re not – but someone out there must really like our stuff – 1.5 million times!

We’ve been doing this Dancehall Radio-program for more than three years now. In Spring 2011 we decided to do a Mix-CD to promote our work as DJs and to hand it out at all festivals and shows we were playing at that summer – it were quite a few as you can see in the tour video. 

We produced 1000 CDs as a free give away with current and hot Reggae songs. DJ Meska did the mixing and the CD even got a nice review in Germany’s RIDDIM Magazine. Ironically, we didn’t even put it online ourselves, we just handed it out and thought people would like it when playing it in their cars on the way home. So we played at Ruhr Reggae Festival in Mülheim, Germany and handed out a bunch of CDs during our set.

In October 2012 somebody posted in our “shoutbox“-chat on our website that the “Mix CD has 1.5 million views, how impressive!“ We couldn’t believe it! Somebody – a 20 year-old kid from Gutersloh, Germany – Big up yourself king!! – had uploaded the mix on Youtube in March 2012 and somehow it became incredibly successful. The youth is neither a Reggae-blogger nor a soundman with an established audience – most of his other videos are scenes of an ego-shooter Videogame with 90 to 100 views. He also didn’t even put a lot of effort in keywords, he just used the ones that Youtube had proposed. Additionally, due to copyright infringement laws, Youtube has blocked the video for Germany, so it couldn’t be our core audience, most of the views come from France and Mexico! And it actually wasn’t named properly, just the title of the mix was mentioned but not our DJ-Names. Plus, none of the songs that are featured has that many views by itself. And the proof that it is not a fake is that every hour there are people commenting on it and the views are still rising. A surprised DJ Meska shrugs his shoulder: „Someone put my mixtape on youtube and it got 1.5 million views!“

We are astonished and it somehow shows us that if you do something you believe in it will find it’s own way – its just like a lot of people must like the mix so much that they keep playing it over and over again. It makes us feel proud because that is the actual job of a mixtape: to please people musically.

Additionally, we are also claiming the bragging rights for one of the most successful Reggae Mixes ever done by a German Sound! Big up all who love Reggae Music out there, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are! 1.5 million shots in the air!

Click here for the video!